
Assessing Executive Function Skills

Assessing executive abilities in both yourself and your child is an important exercise that offers insights into shared strengths and weaknesses, as well as areas where differences may arise. Executive skills are essential cognitive capabilities that encompass planning, organizing, time management, sustained attention, cognitive flexibility, emotional regulation, and more. There are numerous free assessments available online to evaluate your Executive Function strengths and weaknesses. Here are a couple of assessments that I find valuable. They all are created by Dr. Peg Dawson and Dr. Richard Guare, esteemed authors of the book Smart But Scattered . I highly recommend exploring this book, as it is a fantastic resource for understanding and improving executive function skills. Remember, even the most organized among us could use a little help navigating the chaos of life! Executive Skills Questionnaire - This one is geared towards adults.  Executive Skills Questionnaire Teachers/Paren

The Fantastical World of Task Initiation: Unleash Your Inner Superhero!

Greetings, esteemed parents and grown-ups! Join us on a whimsical journey as we explore the magical realm of task initiation, sprinkled with humor and a hint of wisdom. Get ready to unleash your inner superhero and dive into the art of starting tasks with flair! Decoding the Mystery of Task Initiation Task initiation is like possessing a superpower that propels you into action without hesitation. It's all about vanquishing the arch-nemesis known as procrastination and charging into tasks, even when the siren song of Netflix beckons. This skill is more precious than a unicorn in a field of rainbows because, let's be real, life is a never-ending parade of chores and tasks that require our attention, whether we like it or not. A Playful Peek at Task Initiation Spotting task initiation skills is as tricky as finding Waldo in a crowd, mainly because it often masquerades as just doing what you're "supposed" to do! Let's add a splash of humor to this serious topic wi

What Are These Fancy Executive Functioning Skills Anyway?

Executive Functioning Skills (EFS) are like the bossy bosses in our brains that help us get things done without losing our minds. Imagine them as the secret agents making sure you don't forget your keys or wear your shirt inside out. These skills include planning (the mastermind), organization (the neat freak), time management (the clock whisperer), metacognition (the thinker), working memory (the memory wizard), self-control (the superhero), attention (the focus guru), flexibility (the adaptability champ), and perseverance (the never-give-up trooper). Decoding the Brilliance of Each EF Skill Planning: It's like creating a game plan before you dive into something, making a checklist so you don't end up painting your cat instead of the fence. Organization: Think of it as your brain's Marie Kondo, keeping things tidy and making sure you don't lose your homework under a pile of socks. Task Initiation: The art of not procrastinating, especially when faced with dreade

Packing Panic: Surviving Vacation Prep with Executive Function Skills, Humor and Sunscreen

A h, Spring Break! The sweet siren call of vacation beckons, and guess what? We’re headed to HAWAII! Yep, you read that right. Hawaii, with kids in tow. Now, before you raise an eyebrow and think, "Who takes their kids to Hawaii?" let me explain. I'm a history teacher and my son? Well, he's a history buff, especially when it comes to Pearl Harbor and WWII. So, what's a parent to do when they're off to Pearl Harbor? Take the mini history buff along for the ride, of course! Lucky for my husband, he gets to be part of this adventure too. Now, as thrilled as I am about the impending paradise excursion, I must admit to a little pro crastination in the packing department. Don't get me wrong, planning the trip itself is a breeze. But packing? It's like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. I either end up stuffing my suitcase to the brim or staring at it wondering if I've forgotten my toothbrush. So, in the spirit of solidarity (and sanity), I&#

Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone

Hey everyone, and welcome to my little corner of the internet – where we're all about making education, ADHD, and Executive Functioning a breeze (well, as breezy as they can be)! I've been rocking the classroom for over 23 years, teaching Social Studies to some seriously awesome middle schoolers at an AWESOME Central Ohio middle School. But wait, there's more! When the school day ends, I switch gears and become an Executive Function Coach, helping students and families conquer the chaos and master the art of getting stuff done. But let me rewind a bit. My journey into the world of ADHD and Executive Functioning started with a little family adventure. Yep, you guessed it – my own kiddo hit some speed bumps along the way. Cue the learning curve! Through all the ups and downs, I've gained some serious insights into what it's like to navigate ADHD and Executive Functioning hurdles. Now, here's where the fun kicks in. I've made it my mission to dive headfirst int